Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh Baby!

Okay, I promise there won't be a ton of posts regarding babies and the cute things I've been finding (and wanting), but I had to share this. While in Cape Cod my husband and I ran across this label, Zutano, and I'm in love with their adorable outfits. I've had a hard time finding things that are cute but tolerable (ie, without stupid sayings on them) and this completely fits the bill.

I bought this owl footie the other day, but held out on the hat (which I'm sure I'll be back for).

Here I Go Again

I know this is a title to a Whitesnake song (and I might add, an excellent one), but I thought it best summed up where I am right now. As of lately I've been feeling less than inspired. I don't know if it's the change of season, the fact that I'm back from vacation, or what, but I've been a terrible blogger. In fact, I've just started looking at shows from Fashion Week (I know, I know). So, in an effort to become more inspired and contribute more to the fashion blogging community I'm going to expand my blogs to not only include accessories, but other fashion related items, or really anything that I'm thinking about or obsessing over.

I would love to hear your feedback, let me know your likes and dislikes, what you're looking for, interested in, etc.

Here's to a new leaf!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ring It Up

Asha by ADM at Vivre

Since Thursday is the official kick off for the Spring 2010 NYC Fashion Week I thought I would post a few things that I would love to buy for my "back to school" wardrobe.

The first is this amazing ring from Asha by ADM. Ashley is a relatively new jewelry designer and I adore her mother of pearl zodiac rings. To me, this is the signet ring updated for 2009.